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New Technology Trends Happening Now in Furnace Design

We rely on big tech corporations like Apple, Google, and Microsoft to provide the latest and greatest technology to keep us connected –  computers, notebooks, and mobile phones – but do we stay abreast of the latest technology in systems that keep us comfortable and environmentally responsible in our own homes?  Here are some of […]

What You Should Listen for in a Faulty Furnace

When we hear odd sounds coming from the hood of our cars, don’t we call our favorite mechanic? We rely on that expert to have our car humming again. A faulty furnace, too, makes noises signaling it may need a visit from a professional. What sounds will you hear from your furnace indicating it needs […]

Obvious Signs that Your Furnace Might Be in Trouble

The COVID-19 threat heightens our attention to possible symptoms – fever, cough, lethargy. This awareness helps to keep us healthy.  In much the same way, you should be aware of symptoms of a “sick” heating system.  This will keep you and your family safe and healthy with respect to your furnace.  What are the obvious […]

Why Now’s the Time to Have Your Furnace Inspected

Relaxing in the back yard and throwing burgers on the grill hardly seems the time to think about heating your home. But when the leaves begin to fall and cool winds begin to blow, you may be surprised to find that trusty old furnace is a fair-weather friend. Here’s why now is the time to […]

Your Furnace Has a Filter – Why You Should Change It

All furnace units have filters, which need to be replaced on a regular basis. Below are a few reasons you should ensure this takes place as regularly as recommended by your installation and maintenance technician. Enjoy better air quality Research performed by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has shown that the air we breathe indoors […]

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