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When Should Electrical Wiring Be Replaced?

Hidden away within your home’s walls, it’s difficult to know what the condition of your home’s electrical wiring is. But just because electrical wiring is out of sight, it shouldn’t be out of mind. According to the Electrical Safety Foundation International, electrical problems are the cause of more than 50,000 fires each year, resulting in […]

What Are Some Common Signs of a Gas Leak?

Natural gas is used in the majority of homes across the country to power appliances such as HVAC systems, dryers, stoves and water heaters. It’s considered the cleanest fossil fuel in the world because it emits less pollution than other fossil fuels. But natural gas can be incredibly dangerous if a leak develops. Exposure to […]

Benefits of Insulating Your Attic

Your attic can be a great place to “store stuff.” But it plays a much more important role than that. It also shields the rest of your house from extreme cold and extreme heat, as well as humidity. But that’s only if it is properly insulated. And according to the North American Insulation Manufacturers Association, […]

Benefits of Becoming an Electrician

If you are thinking about a new career, one avenue you might consider is becoming an electrician. There are numerous benefits to this career path. Here are a few: Great compensation. An electrician in Illinois can expect to make an average salary of about $60,000 a year, not including overtime. Some electricians can even make […]

How to Save Water Inside Your Home

Water is one of our most precious commodities. But water usage also costs money. Here are some thoughts on how to conserve water inside your home. (For ideas on saving water outside your home, see In the bathroom: Check for leaks in the toilet. Drop a few drops of food coloring into the tank. […]

Reducing Your Electric Bills in the Summer

In the scorching summer months, you give your air conditioner quite a workout.  And that means high electric bills. But there are some things you can do to keep those bills under control. Here are a few (and note many of these can be applied throughout the year). How to Reduce Your Electric Bill in […]

What Is a Furnace Tune Up?

Typically out of sight and out of mind, your home’s furnace is often ignored until something goes wrong. That’s when your furnace suddenly becomes your number-one priority. A broken furnace on a freezing cold day can create both comfort and safety issues. One of the best ways to prevent an unexpected breakdown is with routine […]

How Does a Whole House Dehumidifier Work?

If you live in Chicago’s North Shore and Chicago’s Northwest suburbs, you’re well aware that summers here often feature hot and humid air. After spending a day outside in high humidity, you want to be able to relax and cool down in a comfortable home environment. But if you find yourself sticking to your couches […]

Conserving Water Outside the Home

You know for sure your electricity bill is going up in the summer as you run your AC to stay cool. But you likely are using a lot more water as well – especially outside your home. Here are some tips to conserve water outside your home in the summer. Water your yard in the […]

Electric Vehicle Charging Stations

Electric vehicles (EVs) have been growing in popularity due to their reduced carbon footprint compared to cars that run on gas ( Rising gas prices may accelerate that trend. If you buy an EV, you of course will need to charge it. While the number of public charging stations is increasing, many people are finding […]

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