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How to Install an Automatic Dishwasher

In terms of DIY projects, installing an automatic dishwasher may not be the easiest. But it is not as difficult as you might think, especially if you are comfortable with doing some simple electric wiring. You can save some money on installation, and it shouldn’t take you more than a few hours. What You’ll Need […]

How to Fix a Running Toilet

You probably remember the juvenile joke: “Is your toilet running? Yes. Go catch it.” While that may bring you back to your youth, a constantly running toilet isn’t a laughing matter – it will increase your water bill and could also lead to more significant damage if not checked. Learning how to fix a running […]

Becoming a Licensed Plumber in Illinois

Like most trades, there is an insatiable demand for licensed plumbers. There are numerous benefits, and it can be a very lucrative career in Illinois. Becoming a Plumber – the Benefits Great compensation. In Illinois, plumbers can make between $60,000 to $120,000 a year. This, of course, varies based upon experience and local market demand. […]

How to Caulk a Bathtub

You know you should use a professional plumber for big jobs. But if you enjoy tackling smaller projects, occasionally there might be an opportunity for you to be a “do-it-yourselfer.” Caulking a tub is one such project. It shouldn’t cost you more than $30 to get the supplies and should take you less than two […]

Whole-House Plumbing Inspections

A dripping toilet or faucet is only a minor annoyance until you see your water bill. A backup sump pump doesn’t even warrant a thought until the power goes out in a rainstorm and your basement floods. You take your water heater for granted until you walk into the shower and are greeted by a […]

How to Fix a Tub Drain

For all you DIYers out there who want to perform small plumbing jobs yourself, one easy task is replacing or resealing an old tub drain. A leak in the drain can cause extensive water damage. Fortunately, replacing or resealing a drain is an inexpensive and easy process. Supplies only cost about $20, and you can […]

Installing a Faucet Aerator

When you turn on the faucet, you expect a nice, steady, and even flow. You get that flow if you have a good aerator. While aerators may not be necessary for exterior faucets such as garden hoses, or shower or bathtub faucets, they are a must for sinks. An aerator introduces small bubbles into the […]

Now is the Time to Make Sure Your Home is Ready for Winter

With the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, you likely looked at your house with new eyes and, like so many Chicagoland homeowners, went into a frenzy of home improvement. New paint, new plants, new pictures. But before you settle into your newly designed home office and wait for the first snowflakes to appear, you need […]

Replacing Faucet Fixtures

For complex plumbing projects, you need a professional plumber. For other smaller jobs, if you are reasonably handy, you can DIY. One such project you may be able to handle is replacing faucet fixtures. Doing it yourself can save you some money, and should only take you an hour or two. Here are some simple […]

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