How Long Do Things Last?
As the new year approaches, you may be contemplating some major purchases for next year, while understanding that “things happen” and you should be prepared. Given that, here are some guidelines on estimated life for various items in your home, from plumbing and electrical components to HVAC equipment and more. Note, of course, that actual […]
Plumbing New Year’s Resolutions
Replacing Faucet Fixtures
For complex plumbing projects, you need a professional plumber. For other smaller jobs, if you are reasonably handy, you can DIY. One such project you may be able to handle is replacing faucet fixtures. Doing it yourself can save you some money, and should only take you an hour or two. Here are some simple […]
Parking Lot Lighting
Replacing Shower Heads
Faucet Finishes
Kitchen Faucet
Faucets don’t wear out much anymore. In fact, most come with lifetime warranties (for the initial buyer) that cover the rare defects and finishes. But sometimes, you may want to buy new faucets. Maybe as part of a complete kitchen remodel. Maybe just to freshen things up. There are numerous styles you can consider. They […]
Making Your Home a “Smart” Home
Like all other technologies, Wi-Fi can be very frustrating when it does not work. But when it does work, it can be wonderful. One amazing use of Wi-Fi is it enables your home to be “smart.” All you need is Wi-Fi and a smart phone or tablet, and you can do things to make your […]
Plumbing Resolutions for 2019
With 2019 fast approaching, no doubt you are beginning to think about your New Year’s resolutions. Losing weight. Saving money. Exercising more. What else? Chances are, you don’t have any plumbing resolutions. Allow us, in the holiday spirit, to offer these 10 resolutions. First, a few “be nice” resolutions: Be nice to your garbage disposer. […]
Lead in Your Drinking Water
Lead in drinking water has certainly been in the news. Earlier this year, there were the horrific stories of lead in the drinking water in Flint, MI. Then, a few weeks ago, the city of Highland Park shut off faucets in city-owned facilities after they tested high for lead. The EPA mandates that water contain […]