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How to Avoid Frozen Pipes in the Winter

When the weather turns frigid (which we’ve already experienced this season), there is a risk that your pipes can freeze and burst. This can lead to thousands of dollars of damage, as well as inconvenience. Pipes most at risk are those in unheated spaces like basements, crawlspaces, attics, and garages, and those exposed to exterior […]

Leaves can Plug Up Sewer Drains Leading to Unwanted Flooding

Now that fall has arrived, this is a good time to prepare for the seasonal changes. Preparation may include changing the way we do those clean up tasks around our yards. As October winds blow, leaves dried by the summer heat begin to fall. How you clean up those fallen leaves and branches could lead […]

Flood Control Measures are Important if You Live in a Flood Prone Area

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration cites flooding as the costliest and most common natural disaster in the U.S. Here are some things you can do to protect your home and family. Buy Flood Insurance The standard homeowner’s insurance policy does not cover damage from floods. To cover flood damage, buy flood insurance, a separate […]

What May Happen if Basement Flooding is Not Fixed Right Away

“Rain, rain, go away…” During an unusually rainy season, water may seep into your basement through the foundation or basement walls. Improperly graded yards can send water pooling around your foundation. If the sump pump fails due to power outages or mechanical problems, water can accumulate, flooding your entire basement. When flooding or seepage occurs, […]

Why It’s Important to Know Where Your Water Supply is Located

At any given time of the day, water is running through at least some of the pipes in your home. Plus, if one of your water pipes fails or a hose on your washing machine breaks, water could be flowing onto the floor of your bathroom, laundry room or basement. Do you know how to […]

Have You Thought about Flood Control for Your Home?

April showers may bring May flowers, but they can also bring tremendous, unexpected rainfall. You can be proactive about flood-proofing your home by considering these three major steps to addressing flood control. Know Your Risk Is your house on a flood plain? If not, you still may be at risk for flooding. The FEMA (Federal […]

Fix A Leak

The average household wastes more than 10,000 gallons of water a year due to leaks. That’s the equivalent of 270 loads of laundry. Assuming a load a day (not an unreasonable assumption), that means water leaks could be costing you nine months worth of laundry. Obviously, that translates into money. Fixing leaks can actually cut […]

Plumbing Resolutions for 2019

With 2019 fast approaching, no doubt you are beginning to think about your New Year’s resolutions. Losing weight. Saving money. Exercising more. What else? Chances are, you don’t have any plumbing resolutions. Allow us, in the holiday spirit, to offer these 10 resolutions. First, a few “be nice” resolutions: Be nice to your garbage disposer. […]

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