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Your Furnace Has a Filter – Why You Should Change It

All furnace units have filters, which need to be replaced on a regular basis. Below are a few reasons you should ensure this takes place as regularly as recommended by your installation and maintenance technician. Enjoy better air quality Research performed by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has shown that the air we breathe indoors […]

4 Questions to Ask your Furnace Repair Expert

Having a furnace repaired can sometimes be a costly experience, depending on the work that needs to be done. Any work carried out on furnaces should be completed by an experienced and qualified technician as well. Below are five crucial questions you need to ask before deciding to hire a furnace repair person. Will company […]

3 Signs your Furnace or Boilers Might Need an Inspection

After having a furnace or boiler unit installed, many homeowners tend to forget that they even have these devices – that is, until they start to malfunction or die completely. If you have been having doubts about the functioning of your furnace and you are not quite sure what signs or symptoms to look out […]

Tips on How to Keep Your Heating Bills Down During a Cold Chicago Winter

It’s almost that time of year again-that time when freezing temperatures have you cranking up the heat. Unfortunately, it also means higher heating bills unless you use the following tips to keep expenses low.  We previously gave you a few tips (  Here are a few more. Insulate, Insulate, Insulate Before winter arrives, add a […]

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