Ravinia Plumbing Recognized by Best Pick Reports… Again!
Ravinia Plumbing, Sewer, Heating & Electric is once again honored to be recommended by Best Pick Reports as one of the top local companies in all four of our service areas. Here is our record of success as one of the top rated companies in the area: Air Conditioning and Heating – 14 years Drain/Sewer […]
What Are the Different Types of Water Heaters?
Regular gas or electric hot water heaters usually last between 10 and 15 years. If yours is reaching that time frame, it might be time to consider the different types of water heaters and what type you want next. When the time comes to consider buying a new water heater, you need to understand the […]
Common Electrical Tools to Know About
When it comes to electrical work, safety should always be your top priority. To work on your home’s electrical system and devices, you must have the proper tools and know how to use them correctly. This is one reason many homeowners choose to hire a qualified electrician for these types of projects. Electricians rely on […]
Are There Federal Tax Credits Available for Heat Pumps?
As we become more aware of our carbon footprint and strive to make our homes more energy-efficient, heat pumps have become an increasingly popular choice for homeowners. Not only do heat pumps help reduce our carbon emissions, but they also save us money on our energy bills in the long run. But did you know […]
Reading a Light Bulb Package
In 2012, the Federal Trade Commission mandated that light bulb packaging include a Lighting Facts label similar to the ingredient labels found on food packaging. Here we provide some guidance on those labels. Lumens. Lumens measure a light’s brightness, or luminosity. Back in the day of incandescent bulbs, watts, a measure of energy, were used […]
Types of Dehumidifiers
In the hot summer months, humidity can build up rapidly in your home. This not only can make you uncomfortable and sticky, but can also cause mold and mildew to grow. Additionally, that humidity damages wood floors, musical instruments, etc. While central air conditioning units can help dehumidify your home, sometimes a little extra help […]
10 Benefits of Becoming an Electrician
Many of the most ardent DIYers will stop short of doing electrical work. They understand a mistake not only can be costly, but also dangerous. And that is why there is such a great demand for electricians. If you or someone you know is undecided on a career path, here are 10 of the many […]
Preventing Lead Poisoning
Last month, we discussed lead poisoning in your water supply, how to prevent it, and what to do if you have it. This month, while not our area of expertise, we will discuss other sources of lead poisoning and how to reduce the risk. But we start with the potential symptoms of lead poisoning. Lead […]
Preventing Lead Poisoning from Water
More than 400,000 people die a year from lead poisoning. Additionally lead poisoning can cause serious health problems for people, especially in the elderly, children and newborns. Next month we will provide a more general overview of lead poisoning. But this month, we focus on lead poisoning in your water supply, how to prevent it, […]
Electric Terms from A to Z
Every occupation has its own vocabulary, and that holds true for electricians. So here is a primer on electrical terminology from A to Z. Amps – a measurement of electric current flowing through a conductor. Blackout – a total loss of electric power. As opposed to a brownout, which is a temporary reduction of voltage. […]