With spring approaching in the next few weeks, it will enable you to start performing various DIY tasks around the house. Below are a few excellent spring plumbing tips that will help save money over the long term.
#1 – Look for Slow Water Leaks
Before going to bed, make a note of the reading on your water meter. Don’t use any water during the night and take another reading first thing in the morning again. If there is a change in the reading, there is a strong possibility of a leak somewhere on your property. The sooner you get a plumber out to detect and repair it, the quicker you will be able to reduce your water bill.
#2 – Test Your Home’s Sump Pump
This can be done by pouring a few buckets of water into the sump pit and turning the pump on. If the water takes a long time to drain away, the pump may need to be serviced or even replaced. It’s best to perform this task before the next rainy season hits.
#3 – Inspect your Water Heater Tank
If your home relies on a water tank to provide hot water for bathing, showering and other household chores, this tank should be carefully inspected at least once a year. During this time, the tank should also be completely drained to enable the sediment that has built up in it over time to be cleared out. If this sediment is not cleared out regularly, it can cause the inside of the tank to corrode, which could result in the unit leaking or bursting.
#4 – Check Downspouts, Guttering, and Drains
During the winter months, guttering, downspouts, and outdoor drains can – and often do – become clogged with leaves, dirt and other debris. It is especially crucial to have gutters and downspouts properly cleaned out at least once a year, as these devices are designed to divert rainwater and melted snow/ice away from your home’s roof. Drains should be kept clear as well, as these prevent dirt, debris and excess water from accumulating around the foundation on your property.
#5 – Test All Faucets
A leaking faucet is more than an inconvenience; it can result in hundreds of gallons of water being wasted each year. Take a walk through your home and around the outside and test each faucet to check for leaks. If a faucet is difficult to open or close, there is a good chance that it may need to be replaced or repaired by a plumber.
Although it is possible for the above-mentioned tasks to be carried out in a DIY capacity, the actual repair and replacement work should always be performed by a licensed and qualified plumber.