The average household uses about 138 gallons of water a day (about 60 gallons per person).  There are various techniques that can help you in reducing water usage in the home without compromising on your daily routines. The table below provides a guide on how water is used, and how you can reduce the amount of H2O you use so your home is more water efficient.

Ways to Save Water


What Household Usage/Day (gallons) Percent Water Reduction Tips
Toilets 33 24%
  • Use low-flow toilets that use 1.6 gallons per flush or less (older models as much as 6)
Shower 27 20%
  • Take shorter showers
  • Use low-flow showerheads that use 2 gallons/minute or less (older models use up to 5 gallons)
Faucets 27 20%
  • Invest in a newer faucet (<1 gallon/minute as older models use 2 or more)
  • Turn water off when shaving, brushing teeth, or washing your hands and face
  • Do not wash dishes by hand; use a dishwasher (preferably energy-efficient)
Washing Machines 22 16%
  • Wash only full loads
  • Invest in a newer, high efficiency washing machine that can handle bigger loads and use 13 gallons of water per load (compared to 40 gallons or more on standard washing machines)
Leaks 18 13%
  • Check regularly for leaks
Bath 4 3%
  • Showers are more efficient than baths (total bath usage is lower because most people shower).  The average bath uses 36 gallons.
Dishwasher 2 2%
  • Wash only full loads
  • Invest in an Energy Star-rated dishwasher that uses 6 gallons (older appliances use up to 16 gallons)
  • Note: using a dishwasher is more efficient than washing dishes by hand
Other 4 3%  
Total 138 100%  


Contact Ravinia Plumbing, Sewer, Heating & Electric for Water Saving Opportunities

Ravinia Plumbing’s licensed plumbers can help you save water.  In addition to fixing water-wasting leaks, they can recommend and install water efficient fixtures and faucets so you can begin saving water and lowering your home’s water footprint.  We’ve been in business since 1928, and we’ve made a name for ourselves as one of the most trusted and reliable plumbing, sewer, heating air conditioning, and electrical companies in Chicagoland. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.