When you purchase items for your home you hope they last a long time. But you are never sure how long. The following table shows the expected life of numerous items. A few things to consider:

  1. Expected lives will vary. Check with your salesperson and also review warranty information.
  2. Inexpensive items or items that are not sized or installed properly will have a shorter than average life.
  3. You need to take care of the items. Regular maintenance and usage will extend the life; not maintaining and inappropriate use with shorten it.
  4. Keep good records of when you purchased items, so you don’t have to guess how old they are.
  5. As they approach the end of their useful life, consider replacing them before they break down or require expensive and inconvenient repairs


Expected Life



Central air

15-18 years

Room air conditioners

10 years

Ceiling fans

15 years

Electric boilers

13 years

Gas boilers

21 years

Dehumidifiers and humidifiers

8 years

Electric furnaces

20 years

Gas furnaces

18 years

Oil furnaces

18 years


20 years

Electric radiant heaters

30 years






6 years


9 years

Dryers (electric and gas)

13 years


11 years

Garbage disposers

12 years

Microwave ovens

9 years

Electric ranges

13 years

Gas ranges

15 years


13 years

Washing machines

10 years

Water heaters (electric)

13 years

Water heaters (gas)

15 years

Water heaters (tankless)

20 years



Faucets and Fixtures


Kitchen sinks (acrylic)

50 years

Kitchen faucets

15 years

Shower enclosures

30 years


15 years

Shower doors

20 years


25 years

Whirlpool tubs

20 years