Although many homeowners may be able to perform an extensive range of DIY tasks and projects, performing most types of electrical work should not fall under this scope. While it is perfectly acceptable for a property owner to change a plug top or replace faulty light bulbs, a qualified and experienced electrician should always carry out the tasks mentioned below.
Installing Lighting and Light Switches
While it may look like an easy task to install new light fixtures and the switches needed to operate them, performing this task incorrectly could result in the lights either not working or malfunctioning. When choosing light fixtures, several property owners will simply base their selection on appearance and price, whereas the qualified electrician will first inspect existing fixtures and wiring in your home to determine which fixtures will be the most appropriate.
If you want to install outdoor lighting, a qualified electrician will also ensure that the fixtures being used are weatherproof – you certainly wouldn’t want to risk having friends or family being electrocuted as a result of incorrect fixtures being used. An electrician will also determine whether existing wiring will be able to handle replacement or additional fixtures or if additional wiring will be needed.
Connecting Hot Water Tanks
Although a plumber will perform part of the hot water tank installation process, connecting it to your home’s electricity supply must always be done by someone who is experienced and qualified to do so. This will ensure that all connections are made properly and that there will be no exposed wiring if the worst happens and your water tank decides to leak or burst.
Plug or Power Points
Installing power points may look like an easy project, but there are aspects to consider that only an experienced electrician will know about. When this type of project is performed as a DIY task, it is far too easy for homeowners to configure the wiring incorrectly (yes, the different colored wires do have various meanings) or even overload existing fuse and circuit boxes. All of these scenarios can result in fires breaking out.
Solar Power Units
Installing a system that enables your home to be off-grid is a highly specialized task, meaning that an electrician that is highly experienced in this regard should be the only one to do it. While it may seem as simple as purchasing a few batteries and solar panels, there are several other components that must be considered and correctly installed to ensure that the system operates, as it should.
When searching for an electrician to complete projects in and around your home, it is essential to ensure the technician is qualified, licensed and insured. Failure to do so could result in you being held liable if something goes wrong while the work is being done.