April showers may bring May flowers, but they can also bring tremendous, unexpected rainfall. You can be proactive about flood-proofing your home by considering these three major steps to addressing flood control.

Know Your Risk

Is your house on a flood plain? If not, you still may be at risk for flooding. The FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Administration) Flood Map Service tells you by location your risk of a flood occurring in your area. Go to https://msc.fema.gov/portal/ homepage, enter your address and view a color-coded map identifying your flood risk.

Contact your insurance agent to learn the estimated maximum height of floodwaters around your house (estimated flood level) during inclement weather. Review your insurance policy. Standard policies usually do not include flood protection. Consider adding a flood insurance policy through your carrier or the National Flood Insurance Program. 

Be Proactive

Address interior flood-proofing methods, such as:

Address the exterior of your home by:

Limit Flood Damage

If the Weather Service warns of a flood, you can take measures to limit flood damage:

You never want your house described as “underwater,” to begin to think about flood control and proactively prevent flood damage.