You already know the benefits of a standby generator (also known as a whole house generator) and why they are superior to portable generators:

So, what are the important things to consider in buying a standby generator?

How Much Power Do You Need?

That depends on what you want to continue to run. It could be the most vital things like your refrigerator, sump pump, and HVAC system. Or it could be (and we would recommend) everything.

Here are the wattage requirements for many appliances you might want to protect:

Appliance Wattage Requirement
Air Conditioner 2,000-5,000
Dryer 1,800-6,000
Microwave 600-1,500
Refrigerator 300-800
Space Heater 700-1,500
Sump Pump 1,300-2,150 to start and 800-1,000 to operate
TV 50-300

Power Source

There are three types of power sources. We will eliminate diesel powered sources, as they provide much more power than the typical home needs and are also much more expensive. The other two options both provide up to 26,000 watts, or 26 kilowatts (kW). As you can see from the table above, that is sufficient to power a typical home. The two options:

Transfer Switch

The transfer switch is what transfers power from the generator. While there are some transfer switches that must be turned on manually, you will want an automatic transfer switch. That way the generator will turn on automatically whenever the power goes out, so no worries if the power goes out while you are sleeping or away.


Since the standby generator sits outside and is exposed to the elements, you will need an enclosure. Aluminum or composite enclosures are best as they will prevent rust and corrosion.

Remote Monitoring

Many newer models are Wi-Fi enabled, so you (and/or your electrical contractor) can use your tablet or mobile phone to both control the generator and check diagnostics. The generator can also integrate with other Wi-Fi devices in your home.

Standby Generator Maintenance

Make sure the company that sold you the generator offers a maintenance plan including a service schedule and remote monitoring. Maintenance can extend the life of the generator, and a maintenance plan may be required to keep the warranty valid.

Rely on Ravinia Plumbing for a Standby Generator

The licensed electricians at Ravinia Plumbing can help you select and then install a standby generator to protect your home from the expense, mess and inconvenience that can occur when the power goes out. Our customers have relied on us since 1928 (that’s 97 years!) for quality products, knowledgeable technicians, and superior service, including 24/7/365 emergency service. That is why we have made a name for ourselves as the most trusted plumbing, sewer, heating and air conditioning, and electrical company in Chicagoland. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.