Go to many Websites or storefronts, and you may see a Better Business Bureau (BBB) icon or sticker, signifying that the company is accredited by the Better Business Bureau. In addition to that accreditation, the BBB assigns rating to each accredited business. Here are the factors they look at to determine the rating:
- Complaint history. In analyzing complaint history, the BBB considers:
- Number of complaints filed
- The size of the business
- Whether the business responded appropriately
- Whether the complaints were resolved in a timely manner to the customer’s satisfaction
- Whether the business made a good faith effort to resolve the complaints
- Whether the business failed to resolve the underlying causes of the complaints
- The age of resolved complaints (more recent complaints are weighted heavier than older, resolved complaints)
- Type of business. The BBB can lower the rating if it believes the type of business raises marketplace concerns or is believed to operate in violation of the law.
- Time in business. The longer the better. But if the BBB cannot ascertain time in business, the start date will be considered the date it opened a file on the business.
- Transparent business practices. The BBB can lower the rating of a business if it believes the business is not being transparent in situations that can include:
- Not providing complete information about products and services offered, and/or ownership
- Using false addresses or an address that cannot be confirmed
- Failure to honor commitments to the BBB. These include commitments to abide by a mediation settlement or arbitration award.
- Licensing and government actions. The BBB can lower a business’ rating if it has knowledge of the following:
- Failure to have required competency licensing
- Finalized government actions that relate to the business’ marketplace activities and, in the BBB’s opinion, raise questions about the business’ ethics or reliability in providing products and services
- Advertising issues. BBB ratings can be lowered if businesses do not respond to advertising challenges related to:
- Misuse of the BBB name or marks
- Questions about the truthfulness, accuracy, or substantiation of advertising complaints, or about compliance with the BBB Code of Advertising
The BBB assigns points positive and/or negative based upon these factors. The best score is 100 points; the worst is 0. Letter grades are assigned based on the score. The top grade of A+ is awarded to businesses receiving 97 to 100 points.
Ravinia Plumbing, Sewer, Heating & Electric Carries an A+ BBB Rating
Ravinia Plumbing is thrilled to boast an A+ rating from the Better Business Bureau, the highest rating possible. In addition, we did not receive a single complaint in 2020. We’ve been in business since 1928, and we’ve made a name for ourselves as one of the most trusted and reliable plumbing, sewer, HVAC, and electrical companies in Chicagoland. Contact Ravinia Plumbing today to schedule an appointment.